Ultimate Tube Benders Parts Inc is best known for providing Pine Tube Benders Rebuilding services. The company has been delivering exceptional services for the past 22 years. UTB is best known for the best price and timely deliveries.
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Who is the rebuilder for Pines Tube Benders?
ULTIMATE TUBE BENDER PARTS INC is a rebuilder for Pine Tube Benders. We are a US company that has been in business for over 22 years and we have the expertise to rebuild Pine Tube Benders.
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Is the Pines Tube Bender rebuilder actually owned by the OEM company?
It is important to note that the Pines Tube Bender rebuilder is not owned by the OEM company and does not act as a distributor for them. In fact, they are an independent company that offers repairs, upgrades, and parts for tube bending machines. While this may seem like a bad thing at first glance (why would you go to a third party for your repair needs?), it actually has its benefits:
- They manufacture replacement parts.
- Quicker response times.
- You can trust that all work performed on your machine will be done by trained technicians because these individuals know what they’re doing!
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What are the benefits of using an independent rebuilder like ULTIMATE TUBE BENDER PARTS INC (visit
Why would you choose an independent company like ULTIMATE TUBE BENDER PARTS INC to rebuild your tube bender? Here are some of the benefits:
- You will get a rebuilt machine that is as good as a new one.
- You will save money. The cost of a rebuild vs. buying a new machine is much less than a new bender. Some benders may not require a complete rebuild but a refurbishment or just a tune-up by replacing some key components.
- You will save time in having your bender rebuilt locally by an expert so you don’t have to wait weeks or months for delivery from overseas and then wait some more while they get it fixed up before they ship it back again!
- The warranty on your tube bender should cover any defects in materials or workmanship that may arise during normal use or within 30 days after the purchase date depending on which policy applies at the time of sale; however this does not include damage caused by accident, misuse or neglect beyond normal wear and tear due to its intended purpose as defined by manufacturer specifications attached with each product purchased from us here at ULTIMATE TUBE BENDER PARTS INC warehouse store location 3513 S Old US Hwy 23 Ste E, Brighton, MI 48114, United States visit
What kind of training does an independent rebuilder have?
Independent rebuilders have a variety of different backgrounds and skillsets. ULTIMATE TUBE BENDER PARTS INC has been fortunate to have the talents of technicians, engineers, and field service technicians on staff. Our sales staff is trained in customer service and how to help you find what you need. We also have a dedicated customer service department with people who are ready to help answer your questions or solve any problems that might arise during the rebuilding process.
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Does it cost more to use an independent rebuilder?
A rebuilder will cost less than the cost of a new machine. There are different levels of refurbishments and rebuilding. Get a quote at
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Do you need to purchase all new parts or can you use used parts on your rebuilt bender?
You can use new parts, refurbished parts, or used parts on your rebuilt or refurbished bender. Refurbished bender typically replaces certain key components and use some existing components, The rebuilds use the main frame and the swingarm and stationery arm weldments and replace the rest.
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How much should a rebuilt bender cost compared to a new one?
The cost of repairing, refurbishing and rebuilding a tube bender is considerably less than the cost of purchasing a new one. The cost savings vary. If you’re looking to save time and money on your next project, consider refurbishing your old tube benders instead of buying new ones from Pines or any other manufacturer!
We have been rebuilding tube benders since 2000 and are proud to claim our expertise in this area. We can help you get started with whatever questions you may have about repairs or rebuilds on your equipment today! Get a quote at
How long will it take to get my tube bender back?
Refurbished and rebuild benders vary on the delivery times depending on what all work and to be performed. In some cases, we have machines in process. If you have a bender that you are using in production and want to reduce the lead times, we typically receive a deposit so parts can be ordered and have on the floor prior to your machine arrival. This will help reduce the time. Get quote at
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Using ULTIMATE TUBE BENDER PARTS INC as an independent rebuilder will save you money and time.
One of the best ways to find a rebuilder is to search for an independent rebuilder. Independent rebuilders are not owned by the OEM company, and they have the ability to rebuild all of their products. This means that if you find a high-quality, independent rebuilder like ULTIMATE TUBE BENDER PARTS INC, they can help you save money and time when it comes to repairing your Pines tube benders.
Ultimate Tube Bender is a reliable and durable product that will deliver the quality service you expect from Pines. It can be used in any environment without any problems and it’s suitable for all kinds of tubes. This company has been able to develop and manufacture high-quality products at an affordable price, which makes them very popular in the market today.
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