Announcement: UTB has expanded!
We know you count on us for our extensive product range and technical expertise and this opportunity brings us the chance to enhance our services, solidifying our commitment to quality and customer focus.
Our goal, as always, remains to be a global leader in the tube bending industry, continually growing, innovating, and improving to better serve you.
Pacifica Tube Bender Tooling was previously a supplier of tooling for tube bending companies including: PHI, Leonard, Conrac and Clarke & Lewis. They were able to provide new and used tube bender tooling and end finisher tooling, including facing and deburring blades, flare tools, bead dies, etc. Their selection provided for the following machines: 2CP, 3CP, 5CP, 6CP, 8CP & DF.
Bender Supply specialized in supplying quality parts for Pines tube bender machines